Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Job postings

Assistant Professorships – LSE Social Policy

Assistant Professorships
LSE Social Policy, UK


Following staff retirements and growth in student numbers on its BSc and MSc degree programmes in International Social and Public Policy, the Department of Social Policy seeks two talented individuals keen to help it further develop its renowned strengths.

Candidates should have expertise and research interests in social and public policy, broadly interpreted. Candidates should also have a completed PhD (or be close to obtaining one) in social and public policy or a related area by the post start date.

We’re seeking quality candidates rather than insisting on a particular field or discipline. But “inequalities” is an area (among others) that we’re looking to strengthen further. Candidates must be happy to work in a multidisciplinary department.

For further information, start here: https://www.lse.ac.uk/social-policy/jobs-available.  It’s important for any applicant to give proper attention to their Covering Letter — this must say how they meet each of the criterion lists in the “Person Specification” — not simply quote from or summarise the CV.

If potential applicants have queries about the posts, please email: socialpolicy.recruitment@lse.ac.uk.  


Deadline: 14 March 2021.