Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Call for applications – 2022 LIS Workshop

Call for applications
2022 LIS Summer Workshop
4-8 July, 2022 – Belval, Luxembourg 

The Luxembourg Income Study Data Center, University of Luxembourg, and LISER will jointly organize and teach the LIS Summer Workshop on “Comparative Inequality Measurement using the LIS & LWS Databases”. This workshop, taught in English, is a one-week intensive course designed to introduce researchers in the social sciences to comparative research on income and wealth distribution, employment and social policy, using the harmonised Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) and the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) Databases.

Attendees will be trained to use both databases independently and will have the opportunity to:

  • Acquire advanced knowledge about methods used in inequality research;
  • Gain skills related to the study of comparative inequality;
  • Learn in detail about the LIS and LWS data and develop ties with LIS’ large international network.

More information about the content of the workshop and the application precedure are available here.


Deadline for applications: April 10, 2022.
Acceptance announcement: April 15, 2022.